Beaves and Butthead - Daughter's Hand / Tech Support Ai Call Center'S are worse now instead of these two punk's :) Aha, so you the person who just sneaking in my Channel DefNation ~.~/ Hell o...then. *Be advised: "Don't comment on a driving livestreamer when they're on the 'Drift-ing', some questions!" We have plenty of time left after drifting. Thank you (o.~)/` Info: Doing various Video Games (Race/Rpg/SW Mod's by revive DefRekka's Save's) Priv: Name's Christopher [ゆにちいろ] , 37 (18th March) an Construction worker YT: [R.I.P.] DefRekka (2011-2024 / 2740 LS-Vidz; 271 Subs.) Thank you very much, Subscriber's an Liker's! *Psn ID: DjVolgin (since 2022/ Nov) 25th Anniversity of 'DjVolgin'[Music]!!!now [Since I was 11 I started making music with Ejay and MMM] *Psn ID: DefRekka (since 2009-2022/ Nov; hack'ed away) R.I.P. PsN Acc 'DefRekka' (should now be the 14th year) Side Accounts are DefNation_CB and Nfs-Takeshi_Sato *Spotify Playlist: DefNation's CarX D.R.O. 2024 *Music Artist: DjVolgin (various Album;) Document Link here: *Game Save Link 6th: CarX D.R.O. [from 24th April 2024] here: or *Ps4 Game Save Document-Link here (or YT-Playlist 'Ps4 Save Download Section'): *Funny Gif's, i made: